Janet Autherine

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Women Leaving Footprints: Kiwani Patterson

Women Leaving Footprints in the Sand is proud to introduce our audience to Kiwani Patterson. I met Kiwani in the Orlando Chapter of Jack and Jill. I observed her dedicated service to the organization, which led to her election as it’s President. Kiwani has a unique leadership and coaching style, which stems from her natural ability to connect, engage and motivate leaders. This is her journey.

What does greatness mean to you?

There is power in knowing that I have purpose in this life, which is to help and support others along the way. This is where greatness resonates with me. Living a life where I am able to inspire others to achieve growth and success.

Who has been the most influential person in your life (positive or negative) and how has that person changed you?

My mom is the most influential person in my life. She has always given me the encouragement and support to pursue my goals and dreams even when I didnt have the confidence in my abilities. I’m so fortunate to have a mother who has never doubted or discouraged me from reaching my full potential.

Fear stops many of us from going after the dream that is in our hearts, how do you handle fear?

I press through my fears with prayer and meditation. I am reminded of 2 Timothy, 1:7-8. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, and of love and sound mind. My new acronym for Fear is: Face Everything And Rise.

Small steps have major impact. What small steps are you taking daily to make a positive impact in your own life or globally.

There is not a day that goes by that I don’t reach out to a family member or friend via phone call or text. The connection strengthens our relationship and many times, those conversations were the intended messages that I needed to receive or share with others.

What quote (your own or from an inspirer) resonates the most with you? Or what book has had a major impact on your life and why?:

Confidence is not: “I want them to like me but Confidence is: I’ll be fine if they don’t.” This quote has given me the strength to leave relationships and positions that were not contributing to my quality of life. It took me some time to realize that everyone is not meant to travel the whole distance with me through life. 

What footprints do you want to leave in the sand as you travel the road of life?  What steps, if any, are you taking to make an impact?

As a wife, mom and leader, I believe my footprint is to support and inspire others to achieve their desires and goals. Everyone has an inner voice that they listen to, I leverage my influence and character to uplift and motivate others through smiles, hugs, encouraging words and prayer. I’m personally driven to help others in need regardless of financial status or positions. My legacy will be footprints in leadership.

What has been your career path?  Is it what your imagined? Any advice for women who are seeking a similar career?

After graduating college, I knew I wanted to be a training professional working in the learning and development field. I’m committed to improving my skillset in being a results-driven training leader. My passion is to help develop others in reaching their career potential as well. My advice to woman leaders is to not lose their passion no matter what career they pursue. Your personal passion will drive your inner man to work hard and consistently grow to new levels. It is invigorating for me to challenge myself in reaching new goals versus competing with others. Performing in my passion has always kept me winning.

Have you had any notable setbacks? If so, how did you become resilient enough to keep going after a setback?

In the field of learning and development, I’ve seen my share of job loss and income during my 20-year career due to company reorganizational cuts. Even with the set-back of losing my position, I’ve been resilient in pursuing opportunities where I continue to use my training and leadership skills by developing my own resources, supporting community organizations and planning/hosting faith-based workshops. I believe that God will never take something away without replacing it with something better. My career has elevated after every career set-back.

Name 3 things that bring you pure joy? How do you create a positive life balance so that you are engaging in the things that bring your joy, attending to your work and family responsibilities while actively pursuing your goals and dreams?

The three things that bring me joy are my Faith, Family and Friends, in that order. It is easy to balance because they are all connected no matter the occasion. It is important to me that I connect with others who have similar values which makes it easier to navigate while pursuing my goals and dreams. I believe that God has placed the right people in my path and has removed those who didn’t belong. I now have a greater sense of peace and joy knowing that I am loved and supported by my circle of family, friends and professional colleagues. 

We are all unique.  The skill, trait or gift that has always come naturally to you is likely what makes you unique and where your greatness lies. Have to tapped into what makes you different from everyone else? If so, please share what you have learned.

As a child, I was known to be very talkative, highly social and a cheerleader, so, I’m not surprised that I ended up in a career in Learning and Development. I tap into my natural ability to connect, engage and motivate leaders with my unique coaching style. I believe in meeting people where they are and help them enhance their professional/personal growth. Training and developing others is my passion and it feels like home when I’m able to develop and execute strategies that improves employee performance.

How would you like to be remembered? By your loved ones. By the world?

I would like to be remembered for the inspired life I lived. Leading by example, the love that I infused in my relationships and the laughter that I created in the midst of interactions. My favorite personal quote is: “Live an inspired life that demonstrates love and creates laughter.”

Is there any advice or life lesson that you would like to offer young women who are struggling to find their purpose and live a meaningful life?

My advice to young women is to know thyself and choose your circle of friends carefully. The company that you keep will add value to your purpose or diminish your light. When you start seeing your worth, you’ll find it harder to stay around people who don’t. The people you associate with should encourage and bring out the best in you.

What changes would you make in your life if money was not a consideration?

I would give more financial and educational resources to children in poverty-stricken communities. Educating our youth is important to our future. I believe that all children should have the same opportunity to excel academically despite their zip code and where they live. 

How do you overcome hurt from friends and work colleagues?

Overcoming hurt has been difficult for me. I used to waste time wondering why people seek to hurt me versus how can I move through the pain? As long as I wondered why? I found it difficult to push through the hurt and to forget the experience. In recent years, I learned that some people make a conscious choice to hurt others because they are hurting inside themselves. Which means, as long as I stay resentful and in pain, I can’t move on gracefully to enjoy life. I learned that I needed to forgive their actions. Forgiveness taught me how to work through the hurt without becoming bitter from the experience. Forgiveness allows me to heal from the hurt of others.

Is there anything that has not been asked that you would like to share with the universe?

Yes. When I think about how woman can continuously make an impact, these are the lessons that I have learned on my personal and professional journey.

Kiwani’s Top Ten Words of Wisdom for Women

Be that woman who will:

  1. Not be Intimated by Others

  2. Choose to give Light during Darkness

  3. Show Courage during Adversity

  4. Offer Your Time and Talents 

  5. Encourage Growth (Personal/Professional) 

  6. Seek Guidance from Others

  7. Engage versus Exclude

  8. Lead with Integrity

  9. Pray without Ceasing

10. Give Your Best Self Everyday

Thank you Kiwani! You have answered your calling and we are so grateful that young women can learn from your journey!

Kiwani Patterson is a Human Resources Training Professional with 10+ years of experience performing systematic design of instruction converting content into job aids, instructor-led and web-base training to meet adult learning needs. Successfully demonstrated expertise in instructional system design, training facilitation, project management, and leadership development to strategically improve performance. Diverse training experiences in various industries such as Banking, Transportation, Government and Hospitality/Tourism. She specializes in Instructional System Design, Executive Management Training and Coaching & Leadership Development. Her professional resume is on LINKEDIN.

Women Leaving Footprints in the Sand is an interview series that explores the journey of the stars and rising stars in our community who are growing into their greatness by claiming their purpose, living a purpose-driven life and leaving impactful footprints in the sand for others to follow.  Interview by @JanetAutherine. Please join our community for more inspiring stories. You support is vital to our success. If you have an inspiring story and would like to be featured, please contact me at JanetAutherine@growintogreatness.com.

Janet Autherine is the author of Island Mindfulness: How to Use the Transformational Power of Mindfulness to Create an Abundant Life, Wild Heart, Peaceful Soul and Growing into Greatness with God.   Books available on Amazon