Interview With Janet Autherine, Author of Island Mindfulness


Friends, I am sharing an excerpt from a very wide-ranging interview with Black Pearls Magazine. Thanks to Ella Curry, president of Crown Holders Transmedia Group for this opportunity to discuss my writing journey, as well as the Island Mindfulness journey.

Janet Autherine has a heart for storytelling and youth and women’s empowerment. She uses her extraordinary journey from a struggling Jamaican immigrant to a respected attorney, author and administrative law judge to inspire others to embrace their unique journey.

BPM: Please share something our readers wouldn’t know about you.

It feels like I have shared so much in this book but I will share something that is small but centers me. I enjoy sitting outside a coffee shop with my journal or iPad and people-watch because it helps me to write stories and poetry about the small things that connect us all in the human experience. Love is connection, mindfulness is connection, meditation is connection, and so is our shared love for a good cup of coffee or tea.

BPM: If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?

Introspective. Kind. Driven.

BPM: The majority of your books are written to empower women. What does the word empower mean to you?

It is important to tell the stories of women. We make significant contributions to society but the work that we do is usually taken for granted. We often undervalue our own contributions because we are so used to taking care of everyone.

Women are naturally powered; I try to Empower by providing simple reminders – you are unique; you are worthy; your story is important; your voice matters; care for yourself because we need you to be healthy in mind, body and spirit.

BPM: As a practicing attorney, poet, author and mother, why is it so important for you to speak to women through your body of work?

I am an immigrant from Jamaica, and a woman of color who has been blessed to have a unique journey both as an attorney and a writer. I have a unique perspective and the best way that I know to share it is through writing. We are all leaving unique footprints in the sand and it is important to share those footprints with the younger generation of women so that their path can be easier.

It is important for young women to know that they can own their journey and make strategic decisions based on their end goal. I chose education first, then career, then family, and finally as my children got older, I was able to add my passion for writing. We have to prioritize our goals, change the order when our circumstances change, and leave room for the universe to surprise us. These are some of lessons that I have learned and have shared in Island Mindfulness.

BPM: Did you learn anything personal from writing your book?

I learned that no experience was a waste of time. It was all about growth, self-discovery, and getting in touch with my emotions. Sometimes, painful experiences stretches you the most. There is a poem in the book called Heavenly Father, which discusses my journey as a child of God. Writing my story reminded me that God has been with me during every time of struggle.

BPM: Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips self-care for creative folks?

Writing shouldn’t be stressful and usually is not when it is a passion. Stress usually comes from the extrinsic things, such as editing, marketing, and writing under pressure because of book deadlines. If you love writing; if it brings you joy, then guard it from the pressures of the world. Carve out time to do it; you may have to give up something but if it is a true passion, that decision isn’t difficult.

I gave up 90% of my television time to write and publish. If you don’t enjoy writing but you want to create a book because you have something wonderful to share with the world, consider a ghostwriter.

If you love to write but you are feeling overwhelmed by life, writer’s block or deadlines, try these island mindfulness tips.

– Step outside and focus on nature, a flower, a bird, a squirrel, an ant bringing food back to its nest. Drown out all thoughts and do this for at least 5 minutes to center yourself and connect to the universe.

– Set expectations that leave room to give yourself kindness and grace.

– Remember that one powerful word on the page is progress.

– Respect your journey because it is unique. Remember that the story that you have to tell is important.

– Create a writing goal: 15 minutes to 1 hour daily. Celebrate 15 minutes of writing with the same fervor that you celebrate 1 hour. If you have children or a spouse, let them buy into your success; ask them for that time daily and let them know what you are trying to accomplish.

– Your time can be spent in some many fantastic ways so know why you are writing because a sense of purpose makes the journey easier and more enjoyable. You want to come through this experience whole.

BPM: Do you have any advice or wisdom for our new adults (ages 18-21) to focus on this year?

We are living through a pandemic, and as a result, our old normal is gone and we have to create a new normal. Life is different from what the adults in your life told you to expect. I wrote a vision board in January of 2020 and had to toss a few things. This is an opportunity to get off the path that your family or society chose for you and create your own journey. Sit in mindful reflection.

Do you still want to be a writer? Do you still want to go to law school? Do you still want to marry that high school boyfriend and raise a family or do you want to travel when the world reopens because life has become so unpredictable?

Be still and listen to God, the universe or finally discover your own voice. Live a life that you will be proud to write about, not because it was perfect but because you tried to be your best self every step of the way.

BBPM: How can readers discover more about you and your work?

My website has excepts from my books, as well as shareable quotes and poems. Readers will love my blog, Books, Poetry, Positivity and Purpose. The best way to keep in touch with me on a daily basis in on Instagram.

Also, please consider joining my Facebook book club:

Janet Autherine

Embrace your uniqueness and grow into your greatest self!



Mindful Thoughts on Graduating in the Midst of a Pandemic