Shirley Simmons: Beautiful Otherness


Autherine Publishing is committed to creating more diversity in the publishing industry by supporting both emerging and established authors. Today, our spotlight is on new author, Shirley Simmons.

Congratulations on your new book! Please introduce your book, Beautiful Otherness, to our audience.

Beautiful Otherness is a powerful, spellbinding, fictional coming-of-age novel that chronicles the main character, Kennedy Davenport’s life through her eyes. She takes readers on a powerful journey of perseverance and resilience, as she overcomes numerous obstacles in order to build a successful life that enables her to use her story to help others.

Please tell us a bit about your background?

I have provided mental health services for over 20 years. I am a mother of 4 and wife to Arland Micheal Simmons, who has been my biggest supporter during the writing process. I am so excited to start this new part as an author; I felt like I had a great story to tell and that it was important for others to hear it.

How did you choose the title of the book?

I wanted the title to be as intriguing as the story. It took a long time to come up with Beautiful Otherness but once I said it, I knew that it captured the essence of the story.

Can you please tell us something about your book that would make our audience run out and buy it?

The novel is a page turner; you will be on a thrilling roller coaster ride!

“Conceived from unsavory circumstances and adopted into love and patience, Kennedy Davenport has become a successful entrepreneur and philanthropist. But under her designer clothes and distinguished, polished appearance lie the remnants of her biological parents, a brutal birthright damaged by desire, ego, and a series of wrong decisions. Will the blemishes of her family secrets and their sordid past keep Kennedy from the life she desires and destroy her chance of receiving the accolades she deserves? Will her peers turn against her, or will she be able to hold onto the life she so deeply loves? To Kennedy, her past is a debt that needs to be paid, and her rollercoaster life, her guilt, guts, and outrageous experiences guide her beautiful otherness to her present-day reality-a life of privilege and honors, of true love and a heart for helping others.”

What words of advice do you have for aspiring authors?

I would tell aspiring authors that there will be many challenges along the way so make sure that you have someone that will push you when you feel like giving up. The most challenging part of the writing process for me was the multiple writing and editorial phases, however, the book was transformed into the story that I envisioned.

Fear stops many of us from going after the dream that is in our hearts, what was your biggest fear regarding this book?

My biggest fear was whether the story would resonate with the readers but I am happy to say that readers love the story and they are sharing it with their friends and families.

Did you have any notable setbacks? If so, how did you become resilient enough to keep going after a setback?

I had writers block that caused me to pause on the book for about eight months. Thankfully, a great friend showed up to help me cross the finish line. I am glad that I didn’t give up.

What is next on your journey and how can we support your book?

My writing journey has just begun. I have already started a second novel, while busy promoting Beautiful Otherness. I know that your audience will love the book, so please purchase it and tell your friends and family to purchase it as well. Beautiful Otherness is available on Amazon.

On behalf of the Books, Poetry, Positivity and Purpose team, and our audience of book lovers, thank you so much for sharing your journey! Do you have any final words?

Thank you so much for placing me in the author’s spotlight! I know that your reader’s will love Beautiful Otherness. Please continue to follow my journey on Instagram.

Thanks for helping us support authors in our community. Autherine Publishing is an independent, minority-owned publisher that specializes in books and educational materials that are culturally diverse with a preference for books that teach and inspire. We are committed to transforming your story into your legacy! If you have a book in your heart and need help getting it from dream to reality Contact us. Follow on Instagram.

Janet Autherine

Embrace your uniqueness and grow into your greatest self!