An Introvert's Vision Board


Now that the holidays are over, many of us are making grand resolutions for 2019. A new year gives us the courage to make bold moves in our personal and professional lives. Vision boards are everywhere and fitness centers are at capacity in January and February. Friends share that they would love to get married, travel the world, and finally start a business. I am here to quietly and consistently love and support all their efforts.

As a goal-oriented person, my list is usually longer than most but not this year. I have been pondering what I would love to attract in my life this year and surprisingly, the list is very short - peace and solitude. Of course, I would love to travel, become more physically fit, or publish another book but I am also creating space for my introversion to shine. So often we look at introversion as a negative but it is the most supportive part of who we are. Introversion cares for our minds and bodies and lets us know when both need to rest and recharge. This is the year of resting, recharging and quietly working on low-key goals such as writing more poetry. When I am fully embracing my introversion, my goals are:

  • more solitude

  • less meetings

  • more cancelled plans

  • an hour to meditate each morning

  • fewer large group activities and more cozy chats with friends

  • 15 minutes to drop my bags and mentally shift from work to family time in the evenings

  • more time spent in book stores and coffee shops

  • time to peacefully read as many books as my heart desires

  • more creative outlets - quietly enjoy all forms of art, read and write poetry, listen to music that soothes the soul

If I had a vision board, it would be covered with words, such as introvert, peace, quiet, solitude, battery being recharged, and photos of books, a comfortable bed or chair, a library, a cat, and a cup of tea. In past years, I would apologize for my desire to spend the year in introvert heaven but in this season of my life, I am looking forward to a year of experiences that promote inner peace, solitude and a mindful journey.

With love and gratitude, Janet

Janet Autherine

Embrace your uniqueness and grow into your greatest self!

Stepping Into The Spotlight As A Speaker: 7 Ways That Introverts Can Own The Stage


An Introvert's Happy Thanksgiving