Women Leaving Footprints: Dana Rosser - A Friend Thru Thick and Thin

I am so excited to launch Women’s History Month with Dana Rosser! She is truly a woman of positivity and purpose and the friend that every woman needs in her life. She is warm, relatable, accomplished, and is on a journey to help couples who are dealing with the challenge of obesity. Her book, Thru Thick and Thin; Facing Obesity Thru the Eyes of a Loved One, has been featured on the Dr. Oz show, and is changing the way that families love and support a family member whose life is challenged by obesity. She has also given a TEDx talk on Obesity Through the Eyes of a Loved One that is heartfelt and empowering. You are going to love her story!


Dana, thanks so much for sharing your story with the Books, Poetry, Positivity and Purpose community. You have had success in so many areas of your life that I have to start from the premise of Greatness.

What does greatness mean to you?

Greatness for me is becoming the best version of Dana that I can possibly be.  Learning and evolving everyday.  Everyone has greatness inside of them; tapping into that greatness is the ultimate journey.

We are all unique.  The skill, trait or gift that has always come naturally to you is likely what makes you unique and where your greatness lies. Have you tapped into what makes you different from everyone else? If so, please share what you have learned.

Since I was very young, I knew that I had the gift of consoling/counseling others.  All my friends would always come to me for advice and it came very easy to me to listen and empathize.  I always wanted people to feel significant and to know that their feelings, pain or situation mattered to me. It is very apropos that now I’m counseling families on how to deal with obesity….God always had a plan for my gifts.  

What has been your career path?  Is it what your imagined?  Any advice for women who are seeking a similar career?

I graduated with a BA degree from the University of Akron in 87 and started working immediately in corporate America (Goodrich-Geon Division).  I progressed quickly from being a customer service rep (polymers) to being the first African American woman sales rep in the history of the company.  My career spanned for 8 years before getting married and moving to Connecticut with my husband. Shortly after, I became pregnant with twin girls and was a stay at home mom until my girls went off to college.  I never imagined the turn that my career would take but I don’t regret my decision in any way.  I can see the fruits of my labor in my girls accomplishments. I can truly say that I  have never had a job so fulfilling than pouring into their lives and taking care of my family full time. 

Fear stops many of us from going after the dream that is in our hearts, how do you handle fear? 

Joyce Meyer once said, “Feel the fear and do it anyway”, and I live by that. Let’s be honest, we all are afraid of one thing or another on any given day.  It’s how you react to that fear that determines your success. FEAR has two meanings: Flee Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise…the choice is yours.  

Small steps have major impact. What small steps are you taking daily to make a positive impact in your own life or globally? 

I really try daily to have quiet time with God.  I want to hear what he wants me to do for the day and beyond.  

What book has had a major impact on your life and why?

The one book that I absolutely love is the “Jesus Calling” Devotional by Sarah Young.  I try and read it everyday and it speaks to my soul.  Whatever I’m going through that day the devotional seems to address it and gives me hope.  It constantly reminds me that God is for me and ever present in my life. 

Have you had any notable setbacks? If so, how did you become resilient enough to keep going after a setback?

When writing my book “Thru Thick and Thin; Facing Obesity Thru the Eyes of a Loved One” I had many many setbacks.  It took me ten years to write my book. Being a mom of five and wife to a world surgeon occupied a whole lot of my time but I found creative ways to write.  When my twins were at basketball practice or I had extra time in between appointments, I would take my computer out and write.  Even if I had only 15 minutes, I would write because if I was at least putting energy and good vibes into the manuscript, that counted for something.  I’m a BIG believer in ‘baby steps”…they will undoubtedly take you to the next level.

Name 3 things that bring you pure joy? How do you create a positive life balance so that you are engaging in the things that bring your joy,  attending to your work and family responsibilities while actively pursuing your goals and dreams?

I love being by the ocean, creating (crafts, writing, drawing etc.) and spending time with my family.  To create a balance, I have to have the “just do it” attitude.  What I mean by that is just go ahead and plan the vacation or event.  So many times, I have good intentions but never get around to doing it because of procrastination or I have the feeling that I should be doing something else that is seemingly more important.  Totally false!!!  Resting, relaxing and family time is all a part of self-care and should always be a priority.  JUST DO IT. 

Is there any advice or life lesson that you would like to offer young women who are struggling to find their purpose and live a meaningful life?

Get quiet and truly be honest with who you are and what you are passionate about.  Don’t let others sway your path because of their expectations or the limitations that they may put on your life.  It’s your life…live it on your own terms.  

Women Leaving Footprints in the Sand is an interview series that explores the journey of the stars and rising stars in our community who are growing into their greatness by claiming their purpose, living a purpose-driven life and leaving impactful footprints in the sand for others to follow.  Interview by @JanetAutherine. Please join our community for more inspiring stories. You support is vital to our success. If you have an inspiring story and would like to be featured, please contact me at JanetAutherine@growintogreatness.com

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Dana M. Rosser is a homemaker, mother, author and wife, married to Dr. James “Butch” Rosser Jr., a world-renowned laparoscopic surgeon.  Dana is dedicated to educating people on how to support a loved ones’ challenge with obesity.  Dana takes the unique vantage point of offering comfort and understanding from the often over looked spousal/family members perspective.  Her focus is to lead the mass of supporters out of seclusion, address their emotions, and help them navigate through the delicate issues of caring for a loved who is “nutritional challenged.” Through her efforts, she hopes to aid in strengthening communication of the family unit as they learn to conquer this obstacle as a unified front. 

A native of Akron, Ohio and a graduate of The University of Akron, Dana is the author of “Thru Thick and Thin; Facing Obesity Thru the Eyes of a Loved One” and co-authored "Unbreakable Spirit, Rising Above the Impossible" with Lisa Nichols.  Dana has also written articles on this delicate subject that have appeared in Southern Writers Magazine, Bariatric Today, has given a TEDx talk and has appeared on the Dr. Oz show sharing her experiences with living and loving someone who suffers with morbid obesity.  She has also lectured for the National Medical Association (Regional & National), Harvard Patients Safety and Obesity surgery conference, and the American Academy of Family Practitioners conference.  

Dana is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. She and Dr. Butch reside in Orlando Florida.  They have five children (Kevin, Duane, Nicole and twins Taylor & Tianna) and two grandchildren (Easton and August).  Dana enjoys working out, traveling, reading, but most of all spending time with her family.   

Janet Autherine

Embrace your uniqueness and grow into your greatest self!


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