Black History Month Author Spotlight: Martha Underwood

Welcome to Autherine Publishing’s Black History Month Author Spotlight. Our spotlight is on author, Martha Underwood. Martha, please introduce your latest book to our audience.


My name is Martha Underwood, I’m a Senior Tech Executive that rediscovered my passion for writing while spending time with my young boys during quarantine. I released a book about managing emotions for boys and girls last Christmas. My newest release Black Boy Ballad is a book of affirmations for boys. Through brilliant, colorful, and powerful illustrations, Black Boy Ballad inspires readers to shed self-doubt, embrace their God given gifts, and treasure their divine existence.

Why was it important to write this story?

The story was inspired by my oldest son who is 12. I realized that he was dealing with and increased amount of heavy emotions and self doubt because of all the social injustice news. As a pre-teen, he already has to deal with puberty but I could see the added stress wearing down on him. I’m fully aware that children form their identities through the images they are shown and the words used to describe them so I wrote this book to assure my son and all boys that they have a divine purpose and to embrace it.

Describe your writing style or schedule.

I like the narrative writing style where there is dialogue or one symbolic voice that teaches a lesson. With this book and my last book, the inspiration hit and I wrote them out in about and hour. I’m working on writing on a schedule to get all my ideas out and then I can organize them later. I just downloaded the app Otter, it’s a voice to text app which allows me to capture my ideas as they come. It’s been a great way to keep me on track with my writing.

Who is your favorite black author and how has that author inspired your writing journey?

My favorite Black Author is Zora Neale Hurston. The realness and raw emotion in her books captured me when I was in high school.

What words of advice do you have for aspiring authors?

I would tell aspiring authors to start getting your ideas on paper now. I would also say to block out any negativity from others. I was told early on, why would I want to write a children’s book and that I should focus on Tech. I’ve always been one to not let anyone put me in a box or define me by one thing. I’m so happy I ignored that advice because my books has helped many parents and children work through their emotions and I’m sure Black Boy Ballad will help young boys embrace their brilliance.

What has been the most challenging part of the writing or publishing journey?


The most challenging part is doing it all while homeschooling and working. I realized that I had to get more organized. The other part that was challenging to me was the copyright process. While frustrating, I was able to overcome the challenge through researching and reaching out to other authors for advice.

What is next on your journey and how can we support your book?

I plan to continue writing books that encourage and uplift children. Black Boy Ballad is ready for pre-order and be purchased at It will be available on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and other outlets on February 11th.

Please visit Martha’s website to purchase her books and follow her writing journey, read more about Black Boy Ballad and read her book reviews. She also has a beautiful page on Amazon.

Autherine Publishing is an independent, minority-owned publisher that specializes in books and educational materials that are culturally diverse with a preference for books that teach and inspire (self-help, memoirs, poetry, life and business instructional). EXPLORE OUR SERVICES. We are also the parent company of the Island Mindful Path, which publishes inspirational courses and products. We can help with all of your publishing needs including, book coaching, idea development, manuscript editing, cover design, production, book promotion and ghostwriting. We are committed to transforming your story into your legacy! Contact us if you have additional questions. Follow on Instagram.

Janet Autherine

Embrace your uniqueness and grow into your greatest self!

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